A downloadable game for Windows

About the game:

  1.  You are the final brain cell
  2.  In order to survive, you need to eat red cells continuously
  3.  Red cells will pass by - one by one
  4.  To eat a red cell, you just have to collide with it
  5. Every time you eat a red cell, your score increases
  6.  As your score progresses,  the red cells will move faster
  7.  Every time you miss a red cell, a life will be lost
  8.  You have 5 lives
  9.  If you lose all your lives, the game will stop (i.e. the cell will die)
  10. You can always play again

Play wisely :)

How To Play:

Movement: Use the up and down arrow keys or the classic 'w' and 'a' keys to move the cell up and down

Download: Download  the feed_the_cell.exe file in a directory/folder. Now download and extract the feed_the_cell.zip file in the same directory/ folder. To play, click on the feed_the_cell.exe file

(make sure the .zip file is extracted in the same folder as the .exe file)

And That's It!!


feed_the_cell.exe 9.8 MB
feed_the_cell.zip 2.5 MB

Install instructions

  • Make sure python runs properly on your device
  • To play this game, you need to installl the pygame library. Open your command terminal and type pip install pygame. (To open the terminal window,  go to search, type cmd and press enter)

  •  Now download and extract all the files and make sure that they are in the same directory/ folder. 
  • To play, click on the feed_the_cell.exe file

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